halt when I delete local file in "norton commander" mode



halt when I delete local file in "norton commander" mode

It is winscp 3.8.0 (build 312) and windows xp.

It is fine if I right-click, and select "delete" from context menu. I can see it is using windows function.

But if I select a local file and press "delete" on keyboard, it freeze. Same problem on menubar "Files"->"Delete(F8)"

The file is deleted, but winscp freeze. I have to kill it myself in task mananger.

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Re: halt when I delete local file in "norton commander" mode

[quote="prikryl"]Does it happen always, with any file? Any directory? Any drive?[/quote]

It was always happen on my another account.
Any file, any directioy, any session.

But after I create another new account(windows xp) to do the same operation. (winscp3 3.8.0 build 312)

It is fine and no error, but the confirm interface still different from right-click context menu.

I have tried to re-produce the bug but I can't.

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