WinSCP kills Windows Server 2019
Hi Support Team
After i use WinSCP with with the following line in a .bat file and the source path includes a file with a "." at the beginning, WinSCP running in a issue if the folder in the destination folder doesn't exists (Error Code 3 Permission Denied). That's the minor problem but the major problem is the Bluescreen after rebooting Windows Server 2019. The Server can't find any Windows installation.
Line in .bat File:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open blabla:password@" "get /flash/nsconfig/*.* C:\Backup\flash\nsconfig\" "/log=C:\Backup\backup.log" "exit"
After i use WinSCP with with the following line in a .bat file and the source path includes a file with a "." at the beginning, WinSCP running in a issue if the folder in the destination folder doesn't exists (Error Code 3 Permission Denied). That's the minor problem but the major problem is the Bluescreen after rebooting Windows Server 2019. The Server can't find any Windows installation.
Line in .bat File:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open blabla:password@" "get /flash/nsconfig/*.* C:\Backup\flash\nsconfig\" "/log=C:\Backup\backup.log" "exit"