Moving a local file to an WinExplorer window opened inside a Junction crashes explorer.exe



Moving a local file to an WinExplorer window opened inside a Junction crashes explorer.exe

Junctions are created using HardLinkShellExt tool

WinSCP 10191
Win10 17134.1006

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Re: Moving a local file to an WinExplorer window opened inside a Junction crashes explorer.exe

Moving the file at the Junction's target instead works as normal

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Moving a local file to an WinExplorer window opened inside a Junction crashes explorer.exe

Thanks for your report. Though I cannot reproduce the problem. I have created the junction using:
mklink /J c:\path\to\junction c:\path\to\target

Can you share more details? What version of Windows? What version of WinSCP? Does it matter what kind of a file you are dragging? Can you drag the file successfully from any other application? Etc. Few screenshots can help too.

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Re: Moving a local file to an WinExplorer window opened inside a Junction crashes explorer.exe

martin wrote:

Thanks for your report. Though I cannot reproduce the problem. I have created the junction using:
mklink /J c:\path\to\junction c:\path\to\target

Can you share more details? What version of Windows? What version of WinSCP?

stdedos wrote:

WinSCP 10191
Win10 17134.1006

martin wrote:

Does it matter what kind of a file you are dragging?
I picked a txt file - I think that's the most basic type.

martin wrote:

Can you drag the file successfully from any other application? Etc. Few screenshots can help too.
I have been using that Junction normally in explorer.exe. Or, I am not sure what you mean, everything else dragging-wise seems to work, except to the Junction.

Screenshots of what? Me dragging the file or explorer.exe crashing? 😕

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Moving a local file to an WinExplorer window opened inside a Junction crashes explorer.exe

I do not keep a record of build numbers. Can you tell me WinSCP version?
A screenshot showing where exactly do you drag the file from and where do you drop it to.

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Re: Moving a local file to an WinExplorer window opened inside a Junction crashes explorer.exe

martin wrote:

I do not keep a record of build numbers. Can you tell me WinSCP version?

martin wrote:

A screenshot showing where exactly do you drag the file from and where do you drop it to.
  • Screenshot-WinSCP_2020-05-05_23-38-05.png (121.82 KB, Private file)

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