error occured when finalizing download (SCP protocol error)



error occured when finalizing download (SCP protocol error)

WinScp is really a great software and I've used it for a long time. Everything is ok until yesterday. When I was transfering a Matlab data (.mat) file from Unix server to my local disk (OS: WindowsXP home), it crashed when file tranfer almost finished. It gave me the following information,

SCP protocol error: Invalid control record (0; .51u 6.59s 6:11.93 1.9%)

The file size is 256MB. I tried to change transfer mode to "binary" instead of "automatic", it didn't work, either. Then I tried to transfer some other .mat file, for small .mat file it worked well,for big .mat file (more than 200M) it failed (always occured when file transfer was almost finished). I also tried other files instead of .mat file, it's ok no matter the file size is. I regenerated .mat file again and again, but it still crashed for big size .mat file. Is there any way to work around this problem? Thanks.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: error occured when finalizing download (SCP protocol error)

Were there any changes on your server (new version of SW etc...)? Can you send me a log file?

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