PowerShell Sync local issue
I am having issue with the local sync using PowerShell not adhering to the the provided paths. I'm using version 5.17.10 build (11087) on Windows 10 Pro. It seems to be using the user directory of the current user and the root of the FTP connection regardless of what I pass. It moves files as it should, just the wrong files. I have also created a batch file to do the same thing and it works flawless but I need it as PowerShell so I can create and encoded command to use in another automation program for my SQL server.
PS C:\Users\bluhorse> & "E:\BluHorseJMS\Bluhorse-Data\Interfaces\FTP Service\WinSCP.com" ` /log="E:\BluHorseJMS\Bluhorse-Data\Interfaces\FTP Service\WinSCP.log" /ini=nul ` /command ` "open ftp://???" ` "synchronize local "E:\BluHorseJMS\Bluhorse-Data\Latest\Files\Silent\" "/SilentUpdates/ChesterTN/"" ` "exit"
Connecting to xx.xx.xx.xx ... Connected Starting the session... Session started. Active session: [1] ??? Comparing... Local 'C:\Users\bluhorse' <= Remote '/' Synchronizing... Local 'C:\Users\bluhorse' <= Remote '/' Anderson, SC | 0 B | 0.0 KB/s | binary | 0%