There are no decimals and hundredths of megabytes in the file size.



There are no decimals and hundredths of megabytes in the file size.

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium (x64)
WinSCP: 5.19.5 (Build 11933 2021-11-25)

I'm using a Commander type interface. For the file size I use the 'Short format' option. Why are the decimals and hundredths of a megabyte not displayed for files larger than 99 MB? Can it be changed somehow, and if not, will it be possible?

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: There are no decimals and hundredths of megabytes in the file size.

In the short format, WinSCP displays three significant digits. That's what makes the format "short".

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Re: There are no decimals and hundredths of megabytes in the file size.

So that means there is no way to display the file size in a format such as 10.25 MB?

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: There are no decimals and hundredths of megabytes in the file size.

How would your define the format you are after? Do you want to show four significant digits? Or what exactly?

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Re: There are no decimals and hundredths of megabytes in the file size.

I mean a file size format such as in the FileZilla client, where you can specify the number of digits after the decimal point. From 1 MB to 1024 MB. Above 1 GB, you could specify tenths or hundredths of a gigabyte.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: There are no decimals and hundredths of megabytes in the file size.

WinSCP does not support such format. We will see, if more people ask for this.

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OK, but don't you think that the short format should have the correct rules for rounding numbers after the decimal point? For example:

A file that is 112 562 KB or 109.923828125 MB (in binary) is displayed as 109 MB by WinSCP in short format. Shouldn't it be 110 MB already?

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Invyl avatar

Hi! It would be good to see enhancements for how sizes are displayed:
  1. user will have an option to select "short size format with decimals" in columns (user will also can choose number of decimal places), so the sizes will be displayed like 215.916 GB, 109.923 MB, 4.300 KB if user specified 3 decimal places in options.

  2. user will have an option to select size format between B/KB/MB/GB and between Bi/KiB/MiB/GiB (eight choices totally) in columns (option will be present in context menu of a column)

  3. user will have an option to select size format between B/KB/MB/GB and between Bi/KiB/MiB/GiB (eight choices totally) in properties of file/folder (option will be present in a properties window itself)

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