WinSCP: ARM64 compatible



WinSCP: ARM64 compatible


I am running Windows 11 Pro ARM64. (.NET x64 is installed and functional, NOT .NET ARM)
I would like to know if WinSCP supports Windows 11 Pro ARM (either emulated or native).
(I am running Parallels on Mac Silicon).

Thank you very much for an answer.

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Re: WinSCP: ARM64 compatible

I think now the time has come that WinSCP should be modernized to 64 bit. As soon as there will be laptops with the new Arm-CPU "Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4" available, people will probably switch to Windows on Arm, as these laptops will run cooler and more efficient (which means longer battery life) for most use cases.

Of course you could just run WinSCP's x86 binary on Windows on Arm, but this would be like driving your car with the handbrake engaged. The binary has to be emulated – that means it will run slower and will consume more system resources.

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