WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey



WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey

This is a hot topic but I didn't come across any previous threads that got me across the finish line. I am able to connect to the FTP server manually using the WinSCP client, but when I try to do the same thing through code using the WinSCPnet.dll assembly, I get the error
WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
I'm trying to figure out what would be the difference between the WinSCP client and WinSCPnet.dll. Thanks in advanced.

My code:
SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions
   Protocol = Protocol.Sftp,
   HostName = FtpAddress,
   UserName = FtpUser,
   Password = FtpPw,
   PortNumber = FtpPortNumber,
   SshHostKeyFingerprint = FtpSshHostKeyFingerprint
using (Session session = new Session() { DebugLogLevel = 1, DebugLogPath = @"C:\Temp\winscp_debug.log" })
Here's my log file:
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] .NET Framework build
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] Executing assembly: WinSCPnet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2271ec4a3c56d0bf
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] Executing assembly codebase: file:///--------------------------------------------/WinSCPnet.DLL
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] Executing assembly location: --------------------------------------------\WinSCPnet.dll
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] Entry Assembly: --------------------------------------------, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] Timezone: -05:00; Eastern Standard Time
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] User: --------------------------------------------; Interactive: True
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] Runtime: 4.0.30319.42000
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] Console encoding: Input:  United States (437); Output:  United States (437)
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.904] [0001] Working directory: --------------------------------------------
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.935] [0001] Assembly path: --------------------------------------------\WinSCPnet.DLL
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.935] [0001] Assembly product version:
[2023-02-06 13:29:11.935] [0001] Entry assembly path: --------------------------------------------
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.951] [0001] Session.CreateCallstackAndLock entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.951] [0001]   Session.SetupTempPath entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.951] [0001]     Temporary folder: --------------------------------------------\Temp\
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.951] [0001]     Temporary file [--------------------------------------------\Temp\wscp5FE4.0329445B.tmp] - Exists [False]
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.951] [0001]   Session.SetupTempPath leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.967] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess..ctor entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.967] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.GetExecutablePath entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.967] [0001]       Executable found in --------------------------------------------\winscp.exe
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.967] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.GetExecutablePath leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.967] [0001]     EXE executable path resolved to --------------------------------------------\winscp.exe
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.967] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.CheckVersion entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.967] [0001]       Timestamp of --------------------------------------------\winscp.exe is 1/23/2023 6:27:18 PM
[2023-02-06 13:29:16.967] [0001]       Executable version is not cached yet, cache size is 0
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Version of --------------------------------------------\winscp.exe is, product WinSCP version is
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Size of the executable file is 27166656
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Size of the executable file version info is 1788
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Caching executable version
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.CheckVersion leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess..ctor leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.Start entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.InitializeConsole entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Trying event _24548_7563067_877
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Creating event WinSCPConsoleEventRequest_24548_7563067_877
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Created event WinSCPConsoleEventRequest_24548_7563067_877 with handle 2524 with security none, new True
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Event _24548_7563067_877 is unique
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Creating event WinSCPConsoleEventResponse_24548_7563067_877
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Created event WinSCPConsoleEventResponse_24548_7563067_877 with handle 2528 with security none, new True
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Creating event WinSCPConsoleEventCancel_24548_7563067_877
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Created event WinSCPConsoleEventCancel_24548_7563067_877 with handle 2532 with security none, new True
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Job created
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Job set to kill all processes
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.InitializeConsole leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.InitializeChild entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.217] [0001]       Starting "--------------------------------------------\winscp.exe" /xmllog="--------------------------------------------\Temp\wscp5FE4.0329445B.tmp" /xmlgroups /xmllogrequired /nointeractiveinput /stdout /stdin /dotnet=5.21.7  /ini=nul /loglevel=1  /console /consoleinstance=_24548_7563067_877
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]       Started process 11532
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.InitializeChild leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.Start leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   Command: [option batch on]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   Command: [option confirm off]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   Command: [option reconnecttime 120]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.764] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0001]   Session.SessionOptionsToUrlAndSwitches entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0004] ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvents entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0001]     Session.SessionOptionsToSwitches entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0001]     Session.SessionOptionsToSwitches leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0001]   Session.SessionOptionsToUrlAndSwitches leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0001]   Command: [open "--------------------------------------------" -hostkey="--------------------------------------------" -timeout=15]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0001]   ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.779] [0001]   Waiting for XML log file
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.889] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.889] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4728020
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.889] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInitEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInitEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4752580
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]       Not-supported title event [WinSCP]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4777156
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]       Not-supported title event [WinSCP]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4793540
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Print: winscp> 
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4809924
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]       Scheduling output: [winscp> option batch on]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4834500
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Print: batch           on        

[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Scheduling output: [batch           on        ]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4850884
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Print: reconnecttime   120       

[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Scheduling output: [reconnecttime   120       ]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4867268
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]       Not-supported title event [WinSCP]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4891844
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Print: winscp> 
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.951] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4908228
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]       Scheduling output: [winscp> option confirm off]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4932804
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Print: confirm         off       

[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Scheduling output: [confirm         off       ]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4949188
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]       Not-supported title event [WinSCP]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4965572
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Print: winscp> 
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 4981956
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]       Scheduling output: [winscp> option reconnecttime 120]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5006532
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Print: reconnecttime   120       

[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Scheduling output: [reconnecttime   120       ]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5022916
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]       Not-supported title event [WinSCP]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5047492
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Print: winscp> 
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5063876
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]       Scheduling output: [winscp> open "--------------------------------------------" -hostkey="--------------------------------------------" -timeout=15]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5088452
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Print: Searching for host...

[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Scheduling output: [Searching for host...]
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5104836
[2023-02-06 13:29:17.967] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.029] [0001]   XML log file created
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.029] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.029] [0001]     Opening log without write sharing
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.029] [0001]     Opening log with write sharing
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Log opened
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Skipping 0 nodes
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Read node 1: XmlDeclaration xml=version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Log contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<session xmlns="" name="--------------------------------------------" start="2023-02-06T18:29:17.967Z">

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Read node 2: Whitespace 

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Read node 3: Element session
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Waiting for log update and dispatching events for 50
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [winscp> option batch on]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [batch           on        ]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [reconnecttime   120       ]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [winscp> option confirm off]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [confirm         off       ]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [winscp> option reconnecttime 120]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [reconnecttime   120       ]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [winscp> open "--------------------------------------------" -hostkey="--------------------------------------------" -timeout=15]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [Searching for host...]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]     Print: Connecting to host...

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]     Scheduling output: [Connecting to host...]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0001]     Output: [Connecting to host...]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5203076
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.045] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.107] [0001]     Waiting for log update and dispatching events for 100
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.154] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.154] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5203076
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.154] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0001]     Waiting for log update and dispatching events for 200
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]     Print: Authenticating...

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]     Scheduling output: [Authenticating...]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0001]     Output: [Authenticating...]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5227616
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.217] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]     Print: Using username "--------------------------------------------".

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]     Scheduling output: [Using username "--------------------------------------------".]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0001]     Output: [Using username "--------------------------------------------".]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5252192
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.232] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Print: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "--------------------------------------------".

Authentication failed.

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Scheduling output: [No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Scheduling output: [Authentication log (see session log for details):]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0001]     Output: [No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Scheduling output: [Using username "--------------------------------------------".]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0001]     Output: [Authentication log (see session log for details):]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Scheduling output: [
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0001]     Output: [Using username "--------------------------------------------".]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Scheduling output: [Authentication failed.]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0001]     Output: [
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0001]     Output: [Authentication failed.]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5284852
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]       Not-supported title event [WinSCP]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessTitleEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5301236
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Print: winscp> 
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5317620
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   Got request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Acquiring communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.248] [0004]     Acquired communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.264] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     Read node 4: Whitespace 
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     Log contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<session xmlns="" name="--------------------------------------------" start="2023-02-06T18:29:17.967Z">
    <message>No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)</message>
    <message>Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username &quot;--------------------------------------------&quot;.
    <message>Authentication failed.</message>

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     Read node 5: Element failure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 6: Whitespace 
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 7: Element message
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 8: Text No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 9: EndElement message
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 10: Whitespace 
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 11: Element message
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 12: Text Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "--------------------------------------------".

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 13: EndElement message
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 14: Whitespace 
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 15: Element message
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 16: Text Authentication failed.
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 17: EndElement message
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 18: Whitespace 
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Read node 19: EndElement failure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     Element failure@1 read to the end
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     ElementLogReader.Dispose(failure@1) entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       ElementLogReader.ReadToEnd(failure@1) entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       ElementLogReader.ReadToEnd(failure@1) leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     ElementLogReader.Dispose(failure@1) leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     Failed: [WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "--------------------------------------------".

Authentication failed.]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     Exception: WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "--------------------------------------------".

Authentication failed.
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]        at WinSCP.Logger.WriteException(Exception e)
   at WinSCP.SessionLogReader.Read(LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.ElementLogReader.Read(LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.SessionElementLogReader.Read(LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.CustomLogReader.TryWaitForNonEmptyElement(String localName, LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.CustomLogReader.WaitForNonEmptyElement(String localName, LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.Session.WaitForGroup()
   at WinSCP.Session.Open(SessionOptions sessionOptions)
   at --------------------------------------------
   at --------------------------------------------

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]   SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]   Exception: WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "--------------------------------------------".

Authentication failed.
   at WinSCP.SessionLogReader.Read(LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.ElementLogReader.Read(LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.SessionElementLogReader.Read(LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.CustomLogReader.TryWaitForNonEmptyElement(String localName, LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.CustomLogReader.WaitForNonEmptyElement(String localName, LogReadFlags flags)
   at WinSCP.Session.WaitForGroup()
   at WinSCP.Session.Open(SessionOptions sessionOptions)
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]   Session.Cleanup entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     Terminating process
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     Command: [exit]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.ExecuteCommand leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0004]       Scheduling output: [winscp> exit]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0004]     ExeSessionProcess.ProcessInputEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0004]     Releasing communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0004]     Released communication structure
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0004]     Response event set
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0004]   ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvent leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5700360
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.Close entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0001]       Waiting for process to exit (2000 ms)
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.420] [0004]   Waiting for request event
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.451] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.Close leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.467] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.Dispose entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0004]   2nd generation collection count: 2
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0004]   Total memory allocated: 5708532
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0004]   Aborted
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0004] ExeSessionProcess.ProcessEvents leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]       Closing job
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]     ExeSessionProcess.Dispose leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]     Disposing log readers
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]     SessionElementLogReader.Dispose entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]       ElementLogReader.Dispose(session@0) entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]         ElementLogReader.ReadToEnd(session@0) entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]           SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]             Read node 20: Whitespace 

[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]             Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]           SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]           SessionLogReader.Read entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]             Read node 21: EndElement session
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]             Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]           SessionLogReader.Read leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]           Element session@0 read to the end
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]         ElementLogReader.ReadToEnd(session@0) leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]       ElementLogReader.Dispose(session@0) leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]     SessionElementLogReader.Dispose leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Dispose entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]       Log contents has not changed
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]       Closing log
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]     SessionLogReader.Dispose leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]     Deleting XML log file [--------------------------------------------\Temp\wscp5FE4.0329445B.tmp]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]   Session.Cleanup leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001] Session.CreateCallstackAndLock leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001] Session.CreateCallstackAndLock entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]   Session.Cleanup entering
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]     Disposing log readers
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]   Session.Cleanup leaving
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]   % Processor Time/2 = [39.60565]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]   % Processor Time/3 = [59.40707]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]   % Processor Time/0 = [26.73472]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]   % Processor Time/1 = [42.57586]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]   % Processor Time/_Total = [42.08083]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.529] [0001]   Available KBytes = [927580]
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   1292:smartscreen - 1/19/2023 9:36:21 AM - 00:00:02.0937500
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   4308:RSHostingService - 1/18/2023 12:35:57 AM - 00:15:29.6875000
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   18444:MpCmdRun - 2/6/2023 1:04:29 PM - 00:00:00.2500000
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   3012:spoolsv - 1/18/2023 12:35:56 AM - 00:01:11.4375000
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   3872:svchost - 1/18/2023 12:35:57 AM - 00:01:00.4843750
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   3440:SentinelStaticEngine - 1/18/2023 12:35:56 AM - 00:01:11.3593750
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   3008:svchost - 1/18/2023 12:35:56 AM - 00:00:12.4375000
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   23324:NisSrv - 2/3/2023 12:47:44 AM - 00:00:10.2187500
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   8608:conhost - 1/18/2023 12:36:27 AM - 00:00:00.4843750
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   6452:conhost - 1/18/2023 12:36:05 AM - 00:00:00.5468750
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   1488:svchost - 1/18/2023 12:35:52 AM - 00:01:03.5312500
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   14204:dllhost - 1/23/2023 3:01:01 PM - 00:00:00.3593750
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   6876:ReportingServicesService - 1/18/2023 12:36:22 AM - 00:25:07.9375000
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   840:winlogon - 1/18/2023 12:35:51 AM - 00:00:00.2187500
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   18760:WaSecAgentProv - 2/6/2023 12:44:29 PM - 00:00:00.0468750
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   6008:svchost - 1/18/2023 12:38:10 AM - 00:00:23.1562500
[2023-02-06 13:29:18.545] [0001]   2128:svchost - 1/18/2023 12:35:55 AM - 00:00:21.0156250

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