Why does my download file keep vanishing?



Why does my download file keep vanishing?


Please can you help?

I use WinSCP as my FTP tool and usually don't have any problems. I use it multiple times each day, to fetch data from Raiser's Edge and from some of our third party agencies.

This evening, peculiarly, I exported a file from Raiser's Edge on to the Blackbaud FTP server but it disappeared into thin air – three times.

First time: I watched the csv file successfully exporting to WinSCP, but the second I refreshed the remote download folder, the file vanished – before I had a chance to transfer it to my local drive.

Second time: I started all over again. I logged back into Raiser's Edge, set the export running again, watched the file arriving in WinSCP. This time, I fetched the file into my ETL tool (EasyMorph – https://EasyMorph.com), mid-download. I had about 25% of the file at this point and was able to view the contents.

Once Raiser's Edge notified me of the export completion. I attempted to fetch the whole file to my ETL tool (EasyMorph) but got an error message saying the file could not be found.
I returned to WINSCP and found that the file had vanished AGAIN.

Third time: I went through the process again (just to prove I wasn't losing my mind), This time, I waited for the entire file to export to WinSCP, then pulled the file into EasyMorph.

Again – I could see my downloaded file in WinSCP, but I looked a few seconds later and now it was gone.

I hope that I have given enough info to assist with this issue.

Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Why does my download file keep vanishing?

I'm not completely sure I understand how WinSCP is involved in your workflow.
Is the "fetch" the part you are using WinSCP for? Are you downloading the files from an FTP server to some local directory? Is the "Raiser's Edge" an FTP server? If the file keeps disappearing from the FTP server without WinSCP's involvement, then it does not look like WinSCP issue. But maybe I just do not understand.

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In providing you with those details, I'm trying to provide you with the complete scenario. I read that's what aids to a quick resolution.

The upshot is I use WinSCP and one of my files keeps disappearing.

If you think it's a Blackbaud issue, I would appreciate you just saying so.


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Site Admin
martin avatar

You haven't answered any of my questions. So it's hard to think anything. But anyway, I believe the file is disappearing on the FTP server, without WinSCP's involvement. Whether it's "issue" or normal behaviour, I cannot tell.

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