Also tried the Preserve Timestamp option--when it's on, the create dates are random. When it's off, the create dates are the current date/time on the local system (understandably). Still, we'd like to have the original create timestamp preserved.
I am using WinSCP 4.0.3 and the timestamps on the local PC are a consistant 12/31/1969 08:00 pm. The timestamps on the server are 07/18/2007 07:00:07 am. I turned off the Preserve Timestamp option and the files on the local PC now have the current arrival time.
I spent a lot of time trying to find the Preserve Timestap option so I am documenting what I did here for other readers.
Click Options -> Preferences -> Transfer -> Presets
Click on Text and then Edit
Uncheck Preserve Timestamp (I also unchecked Preserve Read Only for other reasons)
Check Automatically select this preset when
Click Current -> On
I am trying to find out what operating system the server is using. If I find out I will post it here.
Another person here does SFTP from a different server at the same location but his dates are in the 1980's.