copy problems to ssh2
I have also the problem to copy a file from windows to a ssh2 server.
< WinSCP: this is begin-of-file
! scp: warning: Executing scp1 compatibility.
! scp: FATAL: Executing ssh1 in compatibility mode failed (Check that scp1 is in your PATH).
< inSCP: this is end-of-file:255
The option "Use scp2 with scp1 compatibility" on Shell tab has no effect. What's the reason?
< WinSCP: this is begin-of-file
! scp: warning: Executing scp1 compatibility.
! scp: FATAL: Executing ssh1 in compatibility mode failed (Check that scp1 is in your PATH).
< inSCP: this is end-of-file:255
The option "Use scp2 with scp1 compatibility" on Shell tab has no effect. What's the reason?