logging transfers



logging transfers

A question. If one wanted to log what files are transferred via WinSCP (I realise that SCP itself would be the same), where would you do this? A number of friends are happily using WinSCP to an XP machine, via RH Linux/Samba & to a Linux web server. In the past, with FTP, all transfers were logged and could be viewed, I could see what activity there was on the servers. Under SCP, there is not automatic logging on the server side. Looking at the SSH daemon, it is not obvious where, minimally, add a printf to log SCP commands. There is also the issue of how much SCP is going to invoke SSH, and how much of that invokes portions of the system that could log SCP transfers.

So, any guidance or suggestions?

Rgds from Canada

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: logging transfers

dkenner wrote:

Looking at the SSH daemon, it is not obvious where, minimally, add a printf to log SCP commands.
If you are willing to recompile anything, add logging to scp and recompile the binary (scp or rather scp1)

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