WinSCP Window to include session name
Probably a trivial mod...
We all know that using ssh keys is the best way to log onto an SCP/SFTP server but in some cases this isn't possible (case in point - I have to access client sites where they like to control password change rules/exp times and they don't take too kindly to my bypassing them by leaving an authorized_keys file kicking about!!).
For these kinds of situations I keep all my passwords in a KeePass database. For those unfamiliar with KeePass it allows macro-style auto-entry of usernames and passwords from your database by pattern matching against the title of the active Window (so gmail logon details go in a web-browser window with *gmail* in it's title, WinSCP login details go in the WinSCP forum login page etc. etc.).
It would be nice to have the session name in the WinSCP title-bar once it is loaded so that the pattern matching I have configured for PuTTY also works in in WinSCP. This would allow KeePass to auto-enter the required login details where key auth isn't possible.
BTW, KeePass is great, nearly as useful as WinSCP!
Probably a trivial mod...
We all know that using ssh keys is the best way to log onto an SCP/SFTP server but in some cases this isn't possible (case in point - I have to access client sites where they like to control password change rules/exp times and they don't take too kindly to my bypassing them by leaving an authorized_keys file kicking about!!).
For these kinds of situations I keep all my passwords in a KeePass database. For those unfamiliar with KeePass it allows macro-style auto-entry of usernames and passwords from your database by pattern matching against the title of the active Window (so gmail logon details go in a web-browser window with *gmail* in it's title, WinSCP login details go in the WinSCP forum login page etc. etc.).
It would be nice to have the session name in the WinSCP title-bar once it is loaded so that the pattern matching I have configured for PuTTY also works in in WinSCP. This would allow KeePass to auto-enter the required login details where key auth isn't possible.
BTW, KeePass is great, nearly as useful as WinSCP!