Software Cause Connection Abort



Software Cause Connection Abort

I have 3 locations, all on the same domain and all running windows server 2003. Two locations work fine, 1 does not. I have installed and configured it the exact same way as the other two. I get a couple of error messages.

From the WinSCP log I get:

"Failed to connect to x.x.x.x: Network error: Connection timed out"

So to me that means a network problem like DNS or firewall blocking 22 out. But if that was the case, the other 2 locations shouldnt be working since they are all behind the same firewall (unless they have their own seperate egress which I doubt).

From the output of the batch file I get:

"Tue 10/02/2007
09:19 AM
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "Username".
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] 123
batch continue
confirm off
synchdelete on
Comparing 'D:\Folder' with Dir/Folder.....
Network error: Software caused connection abort
Error listing directory 'Dir/Folder/User/January 31, 2006'.
Session '123' closed.
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
Tue 10/02/2007
10:16 AM"

This indicates that I actually connected and was authenticated but failed to start transferring files with some kind of list error that I am unfamiliar with. It could be because it lost the connection and therefore couldnt read the remote directory. I am not sure and was hoping for some additional info.

The server that does not work is the Domain Controller. Are there any specific security issues that I can look at as far as Domain Controllers are concerned? Being the DC is the only difference in the servers that are running WinSCP besides their physical location of course am am not really sure what is preventing me from connecting.

I am able to connect from the GUI! just not from the script. When I set a Scheduled Task to run the .cmd file, I do NOT get the dos window like the other two locations. The Scheduled Task does say "running" but nothing is being transferred.

ANY feedback would be appreciated. Hopefully someone has had these errors before and can point me in the right direction for finding a solution.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Software Cause Connection Abort

0nly wrote:

This indicates that I actually connected and was authenticated but failed to start transferring files with some kind of list error that I am unfamiliar with. It could be because it lost the connection and therefore couldnt read the remote directory. I am not sure and was hoping for some additional info.
Yes it looks like a server closes connection while listing a directory. Does the problem happens always with the same directory (Dir/Folder/User/January 31, 2006)?

The server that does not work is the Domain Controller. Are there any specific security issues that I can look at as far as Domain Controllers are concerned?
I do not know, sorry.

I am able to connect from the GUI! just not from the script.
Are you able to synchronize from GUI? Or list that directory?

When I set a Scheduled Task to run the .cmd file, I do NOT get the dos window like the other two locations. The Scheduled Task does say "running" but nothing is being transferred.
You see a DOS box with authentication process for the other locations?

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Yes DOS console on two locations. Not on third. The third is now actually transferring for whatever reason. I have the Scheduled Task set to start at 3:00 am but the listing of the directories doesnt occur until after 9:00 am? The listing continues for approx 1 hr before my error message. Is that possible for the prog to hang for six hours, and then kick in?

I think it is loosing its connection, the session gets lost and it cant auto-resume when listing directories, but I really am just guessing.

Now I know it is set to auto-resume in case the connection is broken during mid transfer. And that works, I have proof in the log file. Plus I actually changed the IP on the server for 1/2 hour and it still started back up. BUT does it auto-resume if the connection is broken during the listing of directories?

The transfer ran good all week with the exception of the mentioned error the first day. I thought it was ok until Fri when I got the same error.

"Software Caused Connection Abort"
No Session
No Session
No Session
No Session
No Session

*This is generated by output of the DOS console to text file.

I figure that is a really generic error message and I am not quite sure what it means. Obviously the session is lost and the connection was aborted because the transfer didnt happen.

The log from the WinSCP app itself says "Failed to connect to x.x.x.x: Network error: Connection timed out" at the same time.

I am thinking the error also could be network related, the error message is generated when listing of the directory, but I also have a completely seperate transfer with its own .cmd and script that uploads to a completely seperate directory in the users home folder. This transfer tried to happen, but didnt. This is simply transferring the log generated that day to the log folder on the server. The transfer is 3 M max so it can be a size issue.

I have not been able to switch the order of the script yet, however I will. I also plan on pushing the start time back 3 or 4 hours and see if that makes a difference. All 3 jobs start at 3:00 am, but 2 do not have problems. I will keep you posted.

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The log file transfer happend. What would cause the software to abort the connection?

This also happend at one of the other two locations, I just didnt catch it. But this directory is only 10G.

One thing these directories have in common is the fact that they are both user folders. For whatever reason, the people I am backing data up for choose to backup the users entire Windows User Profile instead of just important data. They use no exclusions so I get .tmp files and /RECYCLER/8248454357432857 files. I have asked them to start filtering their backups but I still get the junk.

Could it be a permissions issue? It has happened on the same users profile folder more than once, but it isnt specific to subfolder? I am at a loss.

IS there an option to auto-resume during directory listing?

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

I do not understand for the DOS box for the one session cannot appear. It is shown as a first think, even before connection starts. So it should not matter what session it is used with.

I do not know what advice to give you. It just does not make a sense.

If you find something, please let me know.

BTW, it is not possible to resume directory listing.

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Thanks for the feedback.

Well, the "Software Caused Connection Abort" error is unrelated to the DOS console. The two other locations, which do show the DOS console, had the exact same error message yesterday.

----From the output of the DOS console----

Network error: Software caused connection abort
Error listing directory 'MW/Users/Teachers/aehler/Names'.

----Last line of the WinSCP log----

Failed to connect to x.x.x.x: Network error: Connection timed out

Since this location is on a wireless network, which are prone to dropped signals, can it be that during the listing of the directories the connection is lost for a min or two causing this error? It makes sense but i am not sure.

I know that the signal is being lost because during the actual transfer, the connection has been lost before and then restored because of the auto-resume option. I have proof in my logs. Would this temp loss of signal / connection cause this error?


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: update

0nly wrote:

I know that the signal is being lost because during the actual transfer, the connection has been lost before and then restored because of the auto-resume option. I have proof in my logs. Would this temp loss of signal / connection cause this error?
May be. Reconnect during transfer is supported. But not in general.

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Temp Solution

Well I am almost sure that is what is happening. If the sync process can get through the actual listing of the 50 G folder, the uploads will run for hours.

All I am going to do now is add a little error handling to the batch file that calls WinSCP. Here it is for reference. Let me know if there is anything wrong too.


cd %programfiles%\WinSCP

date /t >"Logs/%Date:~-10,2%_%Date:~-7,2%_%Date:~-4,4%.txt"
time /t >>"Logs/%Date:~-10,2%_%Date:~-7,2%_%Date:~-4,4%.txt"

call /console /script=syncscript.txt PSG >>Logs\%Date:~-10,2%_%Date:~-7,2%_%Date:~-4,4%.txt
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto :error

goto :start

date /t >>"Logs/%Date:~-10,2%_%Date:~-7,2%_%Date:~-4,4%.txt"
time /t >>"Logs/%Date:~-10,2%_%Date:~-7,2%_%Date:~-4,4%.txt"


I know this is going to start it completely over, and it still might drop during the listing, but it will continue.

I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for the help.

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It seems to be working. Here is the log when the internet is lost.

. 2007-10-12 12:22:50.640 Collecting synchronization list for local directory 'E:\RestoreMe\GIF\1' and remote directory '/OnlineBackups/admin/OnlineBackup/1', mode = 0, params = 4099
. 2007-10-12 12:22:50.640 Listing directory "/OnlineBackups/admin/OnlineBackup/1".
> 2007-10-12 12:22:50.640 Type: SSH_FXP_OPENDIR, Size: 48, Number: 6155
< 2007-10-12 12:22:50.687 Type: SSH_FXP_STATUS, Size: 24, Number: 5892
. 2007-10-12 12:22:50.687 Discarding reserved response
< 2007-10-12 12:22:50.765 Type: SSH_FXP_HANDLE, Size: 13, Number: 6155
> 2007-10-12 12:22:50.765 Type: SSH_FXP_READDIR, Size: 13, Number: 6412
< 2007-10-12 12:22:51.015 Type: SSH_FXP_NAME, Size: 12554, Number: 6412
> 2007-10-12 12:22:51.015 Type: SSH_FXP_READDIR, Size: 13, Number: 6668
. 2007-10-12 12:23:22.515 Network error: Software caused connection abort
* 2007-10-12 12:23:22.515 (ESshFatal) Network error: Software caused connection abort
* 2007-10-12 12:23:22.515 Error listing directory '/OnlineBackups/admin/OnlineBackup/1'.

If I run the sync from the GUI, I get the same error when I turn of my modem.
Now from the GUI, WinSCP gives me the option to reconnect. I can reconnect but the sync process is lost. Is there a way to incorporate this into the script? Say if the connection is lost during the directory listing, to reconnect and start the direcory listing again? I understand that you can't auto-resume the directory listing, but can you start it from the begining on error?

The auto-resume function works great, if I can get past the directory listing.
Last edited by 0nly on 2007-10-13 03:30; edited 1 time in total

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Here is the output from the DOS console when files are transferring. This shows the auto-resume function working.

E:\...\GIF\FI027264.GIF | 1 kB | 48.2 kB/s | binary | 100%
E:\...\GIF\FI027273.GIF | 575 kB | 41.2 kB/s | binary | 91%
Network error: Software caused connection abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect: Reconnect
Searching for host...

Network error: Connection timed out.
(A)bort, (R)econnect: Reconnect
Searching for host...

Network error: Connection timed out.
(A)bort, (R)econnect: Reconnect
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "admin".
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
E:\...\GIF\FI027273.GIF | 631 kB | 39.3 kB/s | binary | 100%
E:\...\GIF\FI027278.GIF | 321 kB | 39.6 kB/s | binary | 100%
E:\...\GIF\FI027288.GIF | 341 kB | 40.1 kB/s | binary | 100%

Here is the output from the DOS console when a directory is being listed, before files are transferred.

Comparing 'E:\RestoreMe\GIF' with 'OnlineBackup'...
Network error: Software caused connection abort
Error listing directory 'OnlineBackup/1/Copy (4) of New Folder'.
Session 'PSG' closed.
No session.

After I added the restart function to the batch file that calls winscp, this is what it does when connection is lost during directory listing. As you can see, the Network error is generated first, causing the Error listing directory.

Comparing 'E:\RestoreMe\GIF' with 'OnlineBackup'...
Network error: Software caused connection abort
Error listing directory 'OnlineBackup/1/Copy (4) of New Folder'.
Session 'PSG' closed.
No session.
Searching for host...

Network error: Connection timed out.
batch continue
confirm off
synchdelete on
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
Searching for host...

Network error: Connection timed out.
batch continue
confirm off
synchdelete on
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
Searching for host...

Network error: Connection timed out.
batch continue
confirm off
synchdelete on
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
Searching for host...

Network error: Connection timed out.
batch continue
confirm off
synchdelete on
No session.
No session.
No session.
No session.
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "admin".
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] PSG
batch continue
confirm off
synchdelete on
Comparing 'E:\RestoreMe\GIF\1' with 'OnlineBackup/1'...
Comparing 'E:\RestoreMe\GIF\2' with 'OnlineBackup/2'...
Comparing 'E:\RestoreMe\GIF\0' with 'OnlineBackup/0'...
Comparing 'E:\RestoreMe\GIF' with 'OnlineBackup'...

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Restarts

0nly wrote:

Now from the GUI, WinSCP gives me the option to reconnect. I can reconnect but the sync process is lost. Is there a way to incorporate this into the script? Say if the connection is lost during the directory listing, to reconnect and start the direcory listing again?
Of course, it is possible. Just not implemented yet... :-)

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Restarts

martin wrote:

0nly wrote:

Now from the GUI, WinSCP gives me the option to reconnect. I can reconnect but the sync process is lost. Is there a way to incorporate this into the script? Say if the connection is lost during the directory listing, to reconnect and start the direcory listing again?
Of course, it is possible. Just not implemented yet... :-)
This issue has been added to tracker.

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