Can't get log or output



Can't get log or output

Hey all -

I'm setting up WinSCP to download our webhost files to an office PC.

I'm writing a script to have an automated download every morning, but I'm having problems testing and troubleshooting it. The files aren't being downloaded, and I can't figure out why. Furthermore, I can't get logging to work, which is really the problem.

I'm using the /log switch, but I don't see any log file created. I did a Windows search, but if it turned up, I didn't see it in all the results. I also tried outputting the results to a text file, as the documentation recommends, but the output file is empty.
C:\Program Files\WinSCP>winscp.exe  /log /script=download_backups.txt > output.txt
C:\Program Files\WinSCP>dir output.txt
04/22/2008  09:49a                   0 output.txt
               1 File(s)              0 bytes
Where is the log file located?

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