Modify synchronizing actions in checklist



Modify synchronizing actions in checklist

Right now, when you choose to synchronize your directories (no matter which direction), winscp automatically suggests what to do with the file(s) in question.
As it is now, you can only uncheck a file to exclude it from being synchronized which is already nice but what I'd love even more would be the possibility to change the action it will do, as in switch between like:
- Upload
- Download
- Delete
- Do nothing (Either done by the checkboxes like they are right now or by removing the checkboxes and introducing it as a fourth option)

This could be realised by clicking on the symbol which tells you whether it will upload/download the file. Not sure how difficult it would be to implement this feature but I'd certainly love it and I may not be the only one who would :)

I hope to not have missed any threads concerning this feature request.

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Re: Modify synchronizing actions in checklist

I just thought of two more actions to suggest for this feature.
It would also be nice to be able to mark certain files as "Never upload" or "Never download" which will especially come in handy for configuration files or similar which will not be the same on your working machine and on the server.
The purpose of this would be to not have to uncheck it each and every time while synchronizing.

Also, an additional button at the right of the synchronization checklist allowing you to show/hide all these files which got such an "eternal" setting would be nifty as well.


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Good point, I admit I missed those and they do exactly what I was looking for.
But still I could imagine an improvement to these:

Right now, there is a single editbox allowing you to add masks which is already fine, but it'd be even greated to have a listbox with one exclude/include mask on each line.
Also if I'm not mistaken, you can only add global exclude masks right now. It would also be nice to add "local" masks that you can configure on a connection-basis for each connection separately.

Both these changes really are not that important but I'd love to see them realized.


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Someone wrote:

Right now, there is a single editbox allowing you to add masks which is already fine, but it'd be even greated to have a listbox with one exclude/include mask on each line.
This issue is being tracked already.

Also if I'm not mistaken, you can only add global exclude masks right now. It would also be nice to add "local" masks that you can configure on a connection-basis for each connection separately.
You can use transfer settings presets for that.

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I missed those too, thanks for pointing them out to me. I should take a closer look next time before asking ;]


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