Problem using 'local proxy' with command proxytunnel



Problem using 'local proxy' with command proxytunnel

RE WinSCP 4.1.1:

I have been happily using the program proxytunnel to allow me to connect to a remote SHS server with PuTTY via two HTTP firewalls (essentially connecting through the first HTTP firewall to the second, then from this to the SSH server).

I had hoped the same process would work in WinSCP now it is based on putty 0.60 and includes local proxy commands. I'm using exactly the same proxy command (no variables in the proxy command - the hostnames etc. are being explicitly specified to remove any ambiguity of variable names between the PuTTY/WinSCP) but it just doesn't work. My server-side logs error with:

sshd: Did not receive identification string

Has anyone got the 'local proxy' functionality working - it looks like it might not be passing the username through or something?

[ By the way, for those wanting to access SSH servers through a draconian firewall, proxytunnel is a useful tool if the firewall is performing full level 7 inspection as traffic is effectively wrapped in actual HTTPS traffic if done right, not just SSH traffic over an open web port, say ]

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proxy tunnel syntax


The actual proxytunnel (v1.9.0) command which ultimately should just open a two-way pipe between client and remote ssh server is:

proxytunnel -q -e -P <localproxyuser>:<localproxypass> -p <localproxyhost>:<localproxyport> -R <remoteproxyuser>:<remoteproxypass> -r <remoteproxyhost>:<remoteproxyport> -d <targetsshserver>:<targetsshport>

-p, Local proxy host:port combination
-r, Remote proxy host:port combination (using 2 proxies)
-d, Destination host:port combination
-e, SSL encrypt data between local proxy and destination
-P, Proxy auth credentials user:pass combination
-R, Remote proxy auth credentials user:pass combination
-q, Suppress messages

So it connects to local (my work) HTTP proxy, then connects to a remote (my home) HTTP proxy, then ultimately to the remote SSH server. I know that the proxy-chaining proxytunnel does works as this is the same command as I issue in PuTTY and it connects as expected.

For testing, you might be able to just see if the local proxy works by using a netcat command or something as it looks like a problem in passing data through the local command pipe rather than the proxy command or its invocation.

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