Keeping dir up to date: frequent changes of the same file
It looks this way in the log:
22:23:06 Scanning 'Z:\Business\\_Site' for subdirectories...
22:23:06 Watching for changes in 18 directories...
(first change, file gets uploaded)
22:23:19 Change in 'Z:\Business\\_Site' detected.
22:23:20 File 'Z:\Business\\_Site\index.php' uploaded.
22:23:20 Change in 'Z:\Business\\_Site' detected.
(second change that minute, no action)
22:23:54 Change in 'Z:\Business\\_Site' detected.
22:23:54 Change in 'Z:\Business\\_Site' detected.
(new minute starts, third change occurs and the file gets uploaded again)
22:24:01 Change in 'Z:\Business\\_Site' detected.
22:24:02 File 'Z:\Business\\_Site\index.php' uploaded.
22:24:03 Change in 'Z:\Business\\_Site' detected.
22:24:03 File 'Z:\Business\\_Site\index.php' uploaded.