Resume "not possible" but manually it works...
I tried the latest stable first.. then the beta... same result:
If I transfer som bigger files (using unsecured passive FTP) in the copy windows appears "wiederaufetzen: geht nicht" translatetd "Resume: not possible" ...
The Server is debian/proftp with Resume enabled for upload and download.
In fakt I CAN resume! But WINSCP allways display that's not possible. So if I stop WINSCP while transfer some MB and start again then I can choose if I like to delete the uploaded part and start from the begin or if I like to resume (wiederaufsetzen) ... this works fine.
It would be fine If the program would show this correct.
If I transfer som bigger files (using unsecured passive FTP) in the copy windows appears "wiederaufetzen: geht nicht" translatetd "Resume: not possible" ...
The Server is debian/proftp with Resume enabled for upload and download.
In fakt I CAN resume! But WINSCP allways display that's not possible. So if I stop WINSCP while transfer some MB and start again then I can choose if I like to delete the uploaded part and start from the begin or if I like to resume (wiederaufsetzen) ... this works fine.
It would be fine If the program would show this correct.