Network error: Software caused connection abort



Network error: Software caused connection abort

Hi all

I use CopSSH as a SSH server and WinSCP client over SSH and Unison for file sync.

The problem that I have is not a bug of WinSCP is more related by Windows I think, or combination of CopSSH and Windows.
I have installed CopSSH, WinSCP, Unison on three PC's. On all three the clients work fine but on one CopSSH -sshd service start OK but I can't connect to it and I have error that I mention.

I try searching on internet for a while and i don't find other solution, only reinstall windows, but I don't want this. :(

On Event Viewer I see that sshd service start successfully.
On connection I obtain this error in event viewer.

"The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( sshd ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: sshd: PID 3152: fatal: Read from socket failed: Resource temporarily unavailable."

On connection i see:
"Searching for Host...
Connecting to Host..."
after that
"Network error: Software caused connection abort"

I am connecting to localhost or from other PC on same LAN and problem is not from firewall. I have reinstalled CopSSH three time and use registry cleaner software and same thing.

I will be happy if You have some solution or put me on track where to look.

Thank You All.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Network error: Software caused connection abort

I have never seen the problem before. I use copSSH personally almost daily.

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As I said on two PC CopSSH works OK but on laptop not.
On laptop I have a lot of staffs that might influence working but I don't know where to look to fix without reinstalling windows.

This problem exist
I found searching by Google.
Look on some links
The solutions dos not fit on my laptop, and I don't want to install Windows again.I have Windows XP not 2k as mention in the links.

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I found where is the problem
I have completely uninstalled Panda Antivirus,
Deactivation of it does not have any effect.
Now remain to solve Panda Software problem so I can use it again without interfering with connection problem.
If someone can give me a tip I will appreciate this.

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