Highlighting and actual file 'Not consequent'


Dirk H

Highlighting and actual file 'Not consequent'

First things first: great, easy to use and very very fast FTP prgram. Thanks.

Then my report, which is not a functionnality bug, but a 'thing of beauty' error, which might cause horrible accidental DELETEs :-(

When you are in the main view of the WINSCP, you have the folder structure in the left panel, and the fileview in the right panel. Try this:
- select a folder 'FOLDER A' (left panel)
- select a file 'FILE A' (right panel)
- press delete: it will ask if you are shure to delete the file 'FILE A'
(don't do it :-)
This behaviour is logical, and correct.

Now try this:
- select a folder 'FOLDER A'
- select a file 'FILE A'
- select again the folder 'FOLDER A' in the left panel
- press delete
It will ask if I want to delete the file 'FILE A'
That's strange, because on screen my active selection is the folder, not the file...

Even worse:
- select a folder 'FOLDER A'
- select a file 'FILE A'
- select another folder 'FOLDER B' in the left panel
- press delete
It will ask if I want to delete '???'
That's strange, because on screen my active selection is the folder, not the file that I'm am proposed...

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