Thanks for the link. I can see that transferring local changes without looking at the server would be a quite different approach.
Regarding the list command, I tried using "ls -laT" but note that the time format from my server is "MonthShortName Day Time Year" (and the server doesn't understand the --full-time switch).
I haven't worked much on the project the last days, but I wrote a short PHP-script to list files with the right timestamp in long format, which seems to do the work.
The script is quite limited, but if anyone can use it, please feel free:
#!/usr/local/bin/php -d safe_mode=off
Used to create a directory list with timestamps, that can be
used with WinSCP synchronization functions.
Note that file permissions are allways reported as rw-rw-r--, timezone is hardcoded and
only dirs and links are detected - all other entries are regarded as normal files.
$path = getcwd();
for ($i=1;$i<$argc;$i++) if (substr($argv[$i], 0, 1) != '-') $path = $argv[$i];
//echo("Path: $path\r\n");
$files = scandir($path);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$info = stat($path.'/'.$file);
$user = posix_getpwuid($info['uid']);
$group = posix_getgrgid($info['gid']);
$perms = fileperms($path.'/'.$file);
if (is_dir($file)) echo('d');
else if (is_link($file)) echo('l');
else echo('-');
printf("rw-rw-r-- %10d %10s %10s %10s %s %s\n", $info['ino'], $user['name'], $group['name'], 1*$info[7], date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $info[9]).'.000000000 +0200', $file);