Transfer Endurance / Transfer Retries For Unattended Uploads



Transfer Endurance / Transfer Retries For Unattended Uploads


A very impressed new user here - outstanding software, many thanks to the developers (if you ever read this post).

My one problem, which I noticed has been discussed in this forum back in 2005/6, is the auto-resume of files in a transfer.

Several times a week I need to transfer several large files off site. Often the file size total is around 5-10 GB, so I run the upload overnight and it's all done by the morning. Unfortunately my destination server is a little temperamental. Some of the time it is fine, but fairly often it will break a transfer by not responding for a few seconds or a minute or two or even longer.

Currently in my 'Transfer Preferences' I have 'Automatically reconnect session, if it breaks during transfer' set ON, and 'Reconnect after' set as 120 seconds.

However I find that even with these settings an upload has stopped and WinSCP is waiting for me to click the background transfer icon so that it will resume. This is a major problem for my unattended overnight uploads, to such an extent that I have to use the software I used to use -the inferior WS FTP Pro- for my unattended uploads. I use WinSCP for everything else now, but not uploading unattended.

WS FTP has settings for 'the number of retries if an upload fails', and 'the number of seconds to wait in between retries', I've these set at 60 and 60 so that an unattended upload will only actually fail if the server is unavailable for an hour (which as yet has not happened to me). Do such settings exist outside of the usual WinSCP preferences or can I achieve similar functionality somehow?

Could I achieve similar functionality if I were to manage my WinSCP unattended uploads by using a WinSCP script?

WinSCP is so superior to WS FTP that I'm amazed it is freeware - kudos to the developers - I'd really like to be able to use it for my unattended uploads and get rid of WS FTP completely, so any help and advise from you experienced users would be very much appreciated.

Thanks and regards, etc.,


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