"Use same options next time" does not work with Synchronize



"Use same options next time" does not work with Synchronize

In 4.2.4, I go to Commands -> Synchronize, check "Use same options next time", pick a custom transfer type from "Transfer settings...", and click OK. The synchronization runs fine.

The problem is that if I Synchronize again, the transfer type is reset to binary, even though I had checked the "Use same options next time" checkbox.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: "Use same options next time" does not work with Synchronize

Use same options next time only applies to the the options above it. If you want to change global default transfer settings permanently, do it in preferences. There are no synchronization-specific default transfer settings.

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Re: "Use same options next time" does not work with Synchronize

martin wrote:

Use same options next time only applies to the the options above it.

Technically, the Use same options next time checkbox is at the bottom of the Syncronize dialog, so I thought it applied to all options above it, including the Transfer setting group box. Perhaps other users would assume the same?

I would like for Use same options next time to really include the transfer type. But if it must not apply to Transfer setting for some reason, maybe Use same options next time could be placed above Transfer settings and below the options it actually applies to.

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