4.2.6 locks up, earlier version did not



4.2.6 locks up, earlier version did not


I've used WinSCP for years to edit remote file through a VPN connection. Thanks -very much- for providing this excellent software. The other day I upgraded to 4.2.6. Unfortunately it seems this version is less stable in my environment than the old one. Sometimes my ISP drops a handful of packets and that would cause the previous version to disconnect from the server. Annoying but recoverable. The new version however gets very confused and simply locks up. The GUI doesn't redraw anymore and it doesn't respond to GUI input either. While WinSCP is locked other apps can connect to the server just fine. The interruptions are very brief.

Is there a magic setting I need to change? I hope I have the previous WinSCP version still on my HD somewhere for a re-install.

Any tips much appreciated.



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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: 4.2.6 locks up, earlier version did not

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

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think its the same problem for me.
sometimes, if i'm editing a file on the server or coping a file to server/from server it says "connecting ...". But nothing happens. I still can navigate on the server, but not transfering files. Aborting the queue doesn't work. if i disconnect the session, winscp locks up and i have to kill it with task manager .

downgraded to 4.2.5, now its works like before
(sometimes it reports a connection problem, but after a reconnect, it works again, not perfect, but better than restarting winscp)

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