How to write one XML log for some SFTP sessions?



How to write one XML log for some SFTP sessions?

Currently I run the using the following line:
c:\"Program Files"\WinSCP\ /script=.\script.tmp /log="logFile.xml"

In script.tmp I open dosens of simultaneous SFTP sessions and transfer files to SFTP server using each of the sessions.

In the file logFile.xml, I got the operations on the last session used
but not the operations of the other sessions.
(I understand that the operations of each of the sessions were written to the logFile and overwritten the log of former session)

My question is:
How to make the winSCP write one XML log contains operations of some different sessions running by the same script?

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: How to write one XML log for some SFTP sessions?

Anonymous wrote:

How to make the winSCP write one XML log contains operations of some different sessions running by the same script?
You cannot. The XML log records single session only. Though you can have separate log file for every session. !S or !T patterns may be useful for this. Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

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