failure to transmit up certain special characters
In using WinScp to transmit a file from my PC to a Unix machine, the following characters are replaced by a code such as \222
' " ...
I have version 4.2.5 of WinScp, Windows 7, and Transfer protocol SFTP-3
This is on my home computer; in my office I have an earlier version of wINsCP. In that case, by trasmitting in binary, the problem was cured; but it did not work onmy home computer with 4.2.5
' " ...
I have version 4.2.5 of WinScp, Windows 7, and Transfer protocol SFTP-3
This is on my home computer; in my office I have an earlier version of wINsCP. In that case, by trasmitting in binary, the problem was cured; but it did not work onmy home computer with 4.2.5