Winscp 4.27 broken compared to 4.21
I have a program in C# which downloads files from a Unix server invoking
The program started to fail once I updated to Winscp 4.27. Allthough the files were being transfered in ASCII (according to the logs at least), the files were always in Unix on the windows server.
I downgraded from 4.27 to 4.21 and the exact same code works without a problem, downloaded files are "converted" from unix to dos in the ascii format.
The 4.27 Log file shows:
Hope this helps.
I have a program in C# which downloads files from a Unix server invoking
The program started to fail once I updated to Winscp 4.27. Allthough the files were being transfered in ASCII (according to the logs at least), the files were always in Unix on the windows server.
I downgraded from 4.27 to 4.21 and the exact same code works without a problem, downloaded files are "converted" from unix to dos in the ascii format.
string command = "option confirm off\n" + "open session\n" + "cd og\n" + "option transfer ascii\n" + "get *C.TXT " + _path + @"\download\" + "\n" + "close\n" + "exit"; Process winscp = new Process(); winscp.StartInfo.Arguments = "/log=" + logname; winscp.StartInfo.FileName = scpDir + ""; winscp.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; winscp.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; winscp.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; winscp.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; winscp.Start(); foreach (string cmd in command.Split('\n')) { winscp.StandardInput.WriteLine(cmd); } //winscp.StandardInput.WriteLine(command); winscp.StandardInput.Close(); string output = winscp.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); LogMsg(" scpCommands output " + output); /// Wait until WinSCP finishes winscp.WaitForExit();
The 4.27 Log file shows:
However the files on the windows machine are still in unix format.winscp> option transfer ascii
transfer ascii
winscp> get 100507OGPEML* D:\crmfacil\crons\clientfiles\PAC\download\
100507OGPEML1.TXT | 672 KiB | 2523.5 KiB/s | ascii | 100%
100507OGPEMLC.TXT | 0 KiB | 1530.6 KiB/s | ascii | 100%
winscp> close
Hope this helps.