My transfer also fails (timeout) when there are a large number of files in the target folder.
I want to upload some images to a folder that has a lot (>40000) images in it already.
I believe the problem occurs because WINSCP first attempts to download a listing of the target folder. Can this be disabled with options?
Thanks for your help - I hope we can fix this as I am not happy with the MS FTP and I need good command line functionality.
extract from log:
WinSCP Version 4.2.7 (Build 758) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
. 2010-05-21 13:26:02.252 File: "123.jpg"
. 2010-05-21 13:26:02.268 Copying "123.jpg" to remote directory started.
. 2010-05-21 13:26:02.268 Binary transfer mode selected.
. 2010-05-21 13:26:02.268 Starting upload of 123.jpg
> 2010-05-21 13:26:02.268 CWD /var/www/html/images/cache/
< 2010-05-21 13:26:02.408 250 CWD command successful
> 2010-05-21 13:26:02.408 PWD
< 2010-05-21 13:26:02.564 257 "/var/www/html/images/cache" is current directory.
> 2010-05-21 13:26:02.564 TYPE A
< 2010-05-21 13:26:02.705 200 Type set to A
> 2010-05-21 13:26:02.705 PORT 192,168,1,15,16,152
< 2010-05-21 13:26:02.861 200 PORT command successful
> 2010-05-21 13:26:02.861 LIST
< 2010-05-21 13:26:03.143 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
. 2010-05-21 13:26:45.299 Timeout detected.
. 2010-05-21 13:26:45.330 Copying files to remote side failed.
. 2010-05-21 13:26:45.330 Connection was lost, asking what to do.
. 2010-05-21 13:26:45.330 Asking user:
. 2010-05-21 13:26:45.330 Lost connection. ("Timeout detected.","Copying files to remote side failed.","Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list")
. 2010-05-21 13:26:51.580 Connecting to ...
. 2010-05-21 13:26:51.720 Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
. 2010-05-21 13:27:06.298 Timeout detected.
. 2010-05-21 13:27:06.298 Connection failed.