resume transfer



resume transfer

i have a problem.

say, i have 200 files to upload.
in the middle of uploading file #100,
my pc crash or power down or something else happen.

how can i resume the transfer???

i choose dont overwrite,
but it still show up a 'Copy Failed' dialog
that i must click OK for 100 times???

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: resume transfer

Anonymous wrote:

say, i have 200 files to upload.
in the middle of uploading file #100,
my pc crash or power down or something else happen.
I do not understand. You transfered like 50 files and you want to finish transfering the other 50? Select the other 50 files and upload.

i choose dont overwrite,
but it still show up a 'Copy Failed' dialog
that i must click OK for 100 times???
Please write me an exact steps that you do, so I can reproduce the behaviour.

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you're half right.
i can just select the remaining file to transfer.

that's if i know which file has been upload,
and which has not...

if i got all the files in one folder,
it's easy to know.

but, if those file are spread in ten folders,
then, i have to go through each folder to check
which file is not upload yet...

that is the problem.

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Re: resume transfer

martin wrote:

i choose dont overwrite,
but it still show up a 'Copy Failed' dialog
that i must click OK for 100 times???
Please write me an exact steps that you do, so I can reproduce the behaviour.

try upload a folder with lots of subfolder and files in it.
(i was uploading tikiwiki php, for exact)

in the middle of uploading, interupt it.
(say, the line is disconnected or maybe a crash)

then, how can you resume the transfer?

i tried re-upload the tikiwiki folder,
when WinSCP pop-up saying the file already exist,
i choose to Not overwrite and same action for the rest.
but, for each existing file, WinSCP still pop-up
for an error.

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