Blank White Box - This is driving me nuts! HELP



Blank White Box - This is driving me nuts! HELP

I have been trying to connect my iPod Touch 4g to WinSCP SSH for 3 days now! I search search search and read troubleshooting and faq and nothing. I keep getting a blank white box and Connection Timed Out every time i try to connect. It is on the same network and it shows up under my router. I think it may be a windows service that is disabled. What windows services does winSCP depend on or use? If that is not the problem what could it be? I have had a headache for 3 days now trying to figure this out. I have even tried using different versions of winSCP and they all do the same. I have openssh on my iPod Touch. I don't know, this is crazy! I hope someone can help me. Thanks

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