Přikládám log. Díky.
. 2011-02-16 13:24:40.890 Odpojeno od serveru
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 WinSCP Verze 4.2.9 (Sestavení 938) (OS 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 Login time: 16. únor 2011 13:24:46
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 Session name: Bohemia Cantat
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 Host name: ftpx.forpsi.com (Port: 21)
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 User name: bohemiacantatcz (Password: Yes, Key file: No)
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 Tunnel: No
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 Transfer Protocol: FTP
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 Ping type: C, Ping interval: 30 sec; Timeout: 15 sec
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 Proxy: none
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 FTP: FTPS: None; Passive: No [Force IP: No]
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 Local directory: C:\develop_www\bc, Remote directory: www, Update: No, Cache: Yes
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 Cache directory changes: Yes, Permanent: Yes
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 DST mode: 1
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.765 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.859 Spojování s ftpx.forpsi.com ...
. 2011-02-16 13:24:46.875 Připojeno k ftpx.forpsi.com. Čekám na uvítací zprávu...
< 2011-02-16 13:24:46.890 220-Welcome to Pure-FTPd.
< 2011-02-16 13:24:46.890 220-You are user number 27 of 500 allowed.
< 2011-02-16 13:24:46.890 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
< 2011-02-16 13:24:46.890 220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
> 2011-02-16 13:24:46.890 USER bohemiacantatcz
< 2011-02-16 13:24:46.906 331 User bohemiacantatcz OK. Password required
> 2011-02-16 13:24:46.906 PASS ********
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.000 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.000 230-User bohemiacantatcz has group access to: users
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.000 230-OK. Current restricted directory is /
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.000 230 84671 Kbytes used (1%) - authorized: 5120000 Kb
> 2011-02-16 13:24:47.000 SYST
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.015 215 UNIX Type: L8
> 2011-02-16 13:24:47.015 FEAT
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 211-Extensions supported:
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 EPRT
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 IDLE
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 MDTM
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 SIZE
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 REST STREAM
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 MLSD
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 AUTH TLS
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 PBSZ
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 PROT
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 ESTA
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 PASV
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 EPSV
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 SPSV
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 ESTP
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 211 End.
. 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 Připojeno
. 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 Using FTP protocol.
. 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 Doing startup conversation with host.
> 2011-02-16 13:24:47.031 PWD
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.046 257 "/" is your current location
. 2011-02-16 13:24:47.046 Changing directory to "www".
> 2011-02-16 13:24:47.046 CWD www
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.062 250 OK. Current directory is /www
. 2011-02-16 13:24:47.062 Getting current directory name.
> 2011-02-16 13:24:47.062 PWD
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.062 257 "/www" is your current location
. 2011-02-16 13:24:47.062 Stahuji výpis adresáře
> 2011-02-16 13:24:47.062 TYPE A
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.078 200 TYPE is now ASCII
> 2011-02-16 13:24:47.078 PORT 10,43,21,50,10,70
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.093 200 PORT command successful
> 2011-02-16 13:24:47.093 LIST -a
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.109 150 Connecting to port 5006
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.125 226-Options: -a -l
< 2011-02-16 13:24:47.125 226 93 matches total
. 2011-02-16 13:24:47.125 Výpis adresáře dokončen
. 2011-02-16 13:24:47.125 Startup conversation with host finished.
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.140 File: "/www/config.php"
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.140 Copying "/www/config.php" to local directory started.
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.140 Ascii transfer mode selected.
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.140 Zahajuji stahování souboru /www/config.php
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.140 Asking user:
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.140 Lokální soubor 'config.php' již existuje. Skutečně přepsat?
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.140
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.140 Nový: 6514 bytů, 2.2.2011 22:15
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.140 Existující: 6664 bytů, 2.2.2011 22:15:00 ()
> 2011-02-16 13:24:57.656 TYPE A
< 2011-02-16 13:24:57.671 200 TYPE is now ASCII
> 2011-02-16 13:24:57.671 PORT 10,43,21,50,10,77
< 2011-02-16 13:24:57.671 200 PORT command successful
> 2011-02-16 13:24:57.687 RETR config.php
< 2011-02-16 13:24:57.703 150-Connecting to port 5007
< 2011-02-16 13:24:57.703 150 6.4 kbytes to download
< 2011-02-16 13:24:57.718 226-File successfully transferred
< 2011-02-16 13:24:57.718 226 0.000 seconds (measured here), 89.91 Mbytes per second
. 2011-02-16 13:24:57.718 Stahování dokončeno
. 2011-02-16 13:25:00.375 Odpojeno od serveru