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Re: Batch does not wait for WinSCP FTP script to complete before going to next sommand

Ok that's great. I'll give this a shot and update the thread.

Thanks Martin!

Re: Batch does not wait for WinSCP FTP script to complete before going to next sommand

The very purpose of the Windows start command is to start something in a different window and do not wait for it.
If you want to wait, remove the start command.

And in batch file you should use instead of winscp.exe.

Batch does not wait for WinSCP FTP script to complete before going to next sommand


I have an issue with a batch program. When I call WinSCP to run a command script file, the batch file does not wait for WinSCP to complete it's tasks prior to going to the next command.

Here is how I'm calling WinSCP and running the FTP script:
start winscp.exe /ini=F:\Axios\Test\Automations\Common\EDB_Transfer\WinSCP\WinSCP.ini /command script=F:\Axios\Test\Automations\Common\EDB_Transfer\edb_upload.ftp /parameter myusername password localfolder destinationftpfolder /Log=F:\Axios\Test\Automations\Common\EDB_Transfer\Logs\FTP_Logs\edb_upload_20220210.log

Here is the script that's being run:
# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall
# the script on errors
option batch on
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
# Connect
open %2%:%3%@%1%
put -nopreservetime
# Change remote directory
# Force binary mode transfer
option transfer binary
# Copy file to the SFTP directory
synchronize remote -filemask="*.pgp*" %4% %5% -delete
# Disconnect

If you look at the attached image, you can see that the start WinSCP command finished at 11:24.33.15, however, my FTP script was still running and received a connection error at 11:24:43.281.

Am I missing something?

Thank you, and I appreciate the help.
