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Topic review


Aaaaaaah! I'm so glad. You are a genius. I am blind.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Special symbols in folder/filenames

Good day.

I don’t understand what to do if there are special characters in the file names.
A simple script for downloading files from the server:
open ....
cd /dl
lcd C:\dl
get _%3A_.log
get test.log

Works great, but file _%3A_.log arrives renamed to _%253A_.log. Which is not very good.

A simple script to upload a file to the server:
open ....
cd /dl
lcd C:\dl
put _%3A_.log
put test.log

Let's look at the log:
Copying "_%3A_.log" to remote directory started.

Status code: 10, Message: 771, Server: The file path does not exist or is invalid., Language: en
(ETerminal) File path does not exist or is incorrect
Can't create a file on the server '/dl/_:_.log'. ("The file path does not exist or is incorrect
Error code: 10

Two problems:
The first is that we cannot load the _%3A_.log file
The second problem is that the error interrupts the execution of the script and the next test.log file is not copied.