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Topic review


@D3abL3: I do not think this works. Please post some logs if you believe otherwise.

I found this issue and fixed it with simple console command on WinSCP

this will read all folders inside /media/EXCLUSIVO_DISNEY/ and move all files inside every folder into /media/EXCLUSIVO_DISNEY

Re: Move all files (only files not subdirs) in current directory

Your original question was about mv. So it seems that you have completely changed topic.

Your solution with iterating folders in a batch file is correct.
You can do the same in PowerShell. I do not have an example handy. Will consider creating one.

Regarding the *.* mask, see

Re: Move all files (only files not subdirs) in current directory

Ok so I figured out a solution to this problem – I had to create batch file that iterates through each of the subfolders and then calls a winscp.exe script to send only the files.

The contents of the batch file is as follows:
cd C:\test2
for /D /r %%i in (*) do (
cd %%i
"C:\Program Files\winscp556\winscp.exe" /console /script="C:\Program Files\winscp556\UploadScript.txt"

and the contents of the upload script are basically:
option batch on
option confirm off
open  -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
option transfer binary
put -filemask="|*/" *.txt>24H

If there is a better way (PowerShell preferred) I'd love to see the example code!


Re: Move all files (only files not subdirs) in current directory

@martin: What would be the correct way to use the PowerShell TransferOptions? I have a script that I need to upload only the text files from a directory tree and dump them all into one folder on the destination server rather than mirror the directory tree. The following setup seems to send only text files but also mirrors the directory tree:
# Upload files
$transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
$transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary
$transferOptions.filemask = "*.txt"
$transferResult = $session.PutFiles("c:\test2\", "/Home/*", $False, $transferOptions)

Any advice?


Part of the issue is that sub-directories that don't match the filemask are moved
mv *.* /some/other/dir/

shouldn't move anything that doesn't have a period on the name.
Sub-directories without a period in the name are moved.

This is also true for the get command.

Re: Move all files (only files not subdirs) in current directory

It's not possible with scripting. But you can easily do this from PowerShell via WinSCP .NET assembly.

Move all files (only files not subdirs) in current directory

I was hoping
mv *.* newDirectory/

would do it, but that also moves the directories in the current directory.

Is there any way to move only the files?