I have winscp 4.1.6 version and DO NOT have the console interface tool (winscp.com). On a monthly basis, I will need to download a file with the date appended to the end of the file. For example, "Myfile_Aug2009.sas7bdat" then the following month
"Myfile_Sep2009.sas7bdat", etc. How do I write a script where the month/year date will change ? The Javascript example on this site won't work since I don't have the console interface tool. Any help is much appreciated.
Here is what I have so far with the script, works great except that I would have to change the date each month:
option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary
open sftp://<userid>:<passwrd>@<session
get /apps/sas/datasets/data47/COSMC/GI/OutputData/Myfile_Aug2009.sas7bdat c:\temp