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Thank you so much.

Regarding transfer log.i tried using xml log and i am getting the required result but there is one problem.

i am running winscp from command prompt.and i am using /script for running transfer commands.

while transfering if one file fails due to some error like -> permission.. The next files are not considered for transfer.They are skipped automatically and log file contains the reason and file that failed to tranfer.

if i use option batch continue command in script i'm not able to capture which all files that are skipped in log file as it showing only successfully transferred files with batch continue option.

I need both continue on error option as well as error to be captured in the log.

Please Help

Re: Replacing file name of special characters

martin wrote:

Do you want user defined characters to replace? Or use defined character that the special characters should be replaced with?

For transfer log, use XML logging

i want to define my own character like underscore instead of %XX characters for replacing special characters like (*,?,..) that are not supported in windows.

But replace option is not allowing me enter my own character instead it is taking its own characters.

Re: Replacing file name of special characters

Do you want user defined characters to replace? Or use defined character that the special characters should be replaced with?

For transfer log, use XML logging

Replacing file name of special characters

I love winscp :)
i have to trasfer huge amount of data from AIX to WIN.

Replacing file name with special character in windows can't be done with user defined characters?.As it takes only inbuilt characters. I did not find any option to give my own characters.

Does winscp has any option of giving only transfer logs?

I'm tired of searching ans for this in Google.

Please Help.