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Topic review


Re: copy link by right-clicking filename? (feature suggestion)

I know I'm not supposed to add an unrelated comment, but I just noticed that WinSCP appears to overwrite files by default, without even prompting. I know I never told it to do that. That seems a little dangerous.

That's not the default behavior.
Please, double-check your settings:

Re: copy link by right-clicking filename? (feature suggestion)

sdan wrote:

I just noticed that it's possible to copy the path of a directory to the clipboard, but not the path to an actual file. Just thought this might be a feature that some might find useful.


botched this

Sorry to do a bad job with this posting. The first one belongs in Feature Requests, and the last reply shouldn't have included the quoted text.

Re: copy link by right-clicking filename? (feature suggestion)

sdan wrote:

I just noticed that it's possible to copy the path of a directory to the clipboard, but not the path to an actual file. Just thought this might be a feature that some might find useful.

I know I'm not supposed to add an unrelated comment, but I just noticed that WinSCP appears to overwrite files by default, without even prompting. I know I never told it to do that. That seems a little dangerous.

copy link by right-clicking filename? (feature suggestion)

I just noticed that it's possible to copy the path of a directory to the clipboard, but not the path to an actual file. Just thought this might be a feature that some might find useful.