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Re: Cannot access local directory via WinSCP

@Shri123: Please post some screenshots documenting the problem. Also post a screenshot of "My Documents" in Windows File Explorer with the files. If you open the "My Documents" folder in WinSCP and then go to Local > Go To > Explore Directory, does the correct directory open in the File Explorer?

Cannot access local directory via WinSCP

Hi team,
We are not able to access local directory for accessing files from left panel in WinSCP. We are using Windows latest version and WinSCP is 5.19.2 version. Can you please help us get this sorted? We can see My Documents in dropdown but cannot see any files been displayed.

Re: Can't see home folder

That solves the problem. However, i did not configure WinSCP to use that interface, I didn't even know where to find the settings

Can't see home folder

I'm a new user using version 5.15.1 on windows 10 and I'm missing something obvious

I can open a session and see the files on the remote server,but for the life of me I cannot see how to navigate to my local folder to get the files I want to transfer to the remote server

A real newbie question I know, but I've tried all the options I can think of, and spent half an hour browsing the support forum without success
thanks in advance