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Upload of file was successful , but error occurred when setting the permissions and/or timestamp

Hello WinSCP Support & Martin,
Please assist me with this problem, which I've addressed I believe with the automation and, but need to understand how this gets fixed so we can upload this file without this warning in the WinSCP GUI.

We upload a file, and with the GUI, apparently the settings that I can perform an upload "put" and not get this warning with:
put -nopreservetime -nopermissions <Source File on PC Location> /<Remote directory>/

However, via the GUI, my setting are such that for this particular new connection, I can't seem to stop the warning
Upload of file "XYZ" was successful, but error occurred while setting the permissions and/or timestamp
If the problem persists, turn off setting permissions or preserving timestamp. Alternatively you can turn on 'Ignore permissions errors option.

Error message from server Unsupported operation requested

I can't seem to find how to turn this off, from happening. I find an option to turn this off/on, but can't seem to save it for my specific connection, and keep getting that error, warning.

Joe Pantera