Re: Trouble shooting SQL 2000 cannot open file ftp file
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
"c:\program files\winscp\" /script=c:\batch\FTPOAPToKTTransfer.ftp
as startup directory. As you do not specify path to the FTPOAPToKTTransfer.ftp
script file, WinSCP looks for it in that directory. Is it there? If not, make sure you specify full path or start WinSCP from directory where the script is actually located.
Executed as user: NACCRRA\sqlservers. C:\Windows\system32> "c\program files\winscp\" /script=FTPOAPToKTTransfer.ftpCannot open file FTPOAPToKTTransfer.ftp. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed
"c:\program files\winscp\" /script=FTPOAPToKTTransfer.ftp
file are
option confirm off
open Controltec
cd OAP
cd ApplicationExport
cd Staging
lcd D:\ImportExport\OAP
option transfer binary
get * -delete *
client on the server. MS SQL 2000's job call to the batch and the batch runs the ftp commands using Microsoft's ftp