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.NET assembly / COM library
Without hostkey
Incompatible external console protocol version 4
Delete directory recursively
Synchronization Checklist
Timeout trying to connect from IIS/ASP
Passphrase Key
5.0.8 Release date ???
Error during creating a directory on a SFTP Server
how to disable "lookup user groups"
Powershell Invoke Command not passing Password to FTP Server
Unable to connect with SFTP using 5.0.7 beta....
Error in
.Net Assembly with stored sessions
winscp.dll v5.0.7.0 has no MoveFiles in session class
"The referenced component 'WinSCP' could not be found"
Disable ResumeSupport when using .NET assembly in Powershell
Using .Net to rename file
WinSCP.SessionLocalException: WinSCP process terminated with
Error: Exception: System.IO.IOException
System.OverflowException in WinSCP.ConsoleCommStruct..ctor
c# winscp.exe sshhostkey?
DirectoryListing slow?
Might be SSIS, but thought I would post
Cannot Load Assembly in powershell
how can i get the SShKey from server ?
WinSCP .NET assembly Host Key not verified
Host key wasn't verified using WinSCP .NET assembly
download of WinSCP.DLL version 4.3.7
How to Open a Stored Session
Creating remote folder error with permissions
Specify the gorup while spcifying the permissions
Putfiles method hangs
Feature Request: Implement ISession so we can mock
WinSCP in VBA Excel Error: ActiveX component cannot create
Where can I get the example which is writed by C++ Builder?
PowerShell/.NET Assembly Error - Recursive calls not allowed
Hi, here here. Help, plz
Downloading contents of folder is not getting completed
Failure to invoke WinSCP.dll from Magic eDeveloper EDI
purging files
Network Directory Not accessible through .NET Assembly
Unable to connect via FTPS
Problem with Daylight saving time
Synchronize files from remote sftp directory to local
Synchronize vs GetFiles C#
Unable to connect to server SFTP
Error message on log file
Renaming Files on FTP
Remote Directory
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