Host does not exist (?)



Host does not exist (?)

Hi, web site greenhorn here, I maintain a web site for my boss's children's clothing store. I used to be able to load WINSCP3, but now I can't log on anymore. I'm using the same username and password, but it always says the Host does not exist. If anyone has ANY suggestions they will be most appreciated.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Host does not exist (?)

Are you able to connect to the host using an IP address? Are you able to connect to it using any other SSH client?

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Ricardo avatar

Re: Host does not exist (?)

Maybe the server is down, temporary off... You would try contacting your server hosting.

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Re: Host does not exist (?)

Hannah wrote:

Hi, web site greenhorn here, I maintain a web site for my boss's children's clothing store. I used to be able to load WINSCP3, but now I can't log on anymore. I'm using the same username and password, but it always says the Host does not exist. If anyone has ANY suggestions they will be most appreciated.

I was hit by the same problem. I have been using WinSCP3 for ages and never before had any problems like this one.

The funny thing is that I was able to connect to any other server from this computer and to the problematic server from any other computer. I could also use FTP or Putty to access the server but WinSCP simply did not FIND the host, yes, _FIND_ the host, its seems as if it has decided to omit this name forever. I have another virtual site on the same server and I could connect to that one!!! Copying the settings from the working site (changing the name of the host) did not help. Nothing helped, I was completely lost. I even tried to connect using direct IP address but nope. The host did not exist.

Finally, just five minutes ago, I DELETED the entry from the list of servers and recreated it and now - lo and behold - it works again. Mysterious. I have no idea whatsoever as to what caused the problem or unlocked the situation. Yes, and I did several reboots as well but nothing helped.

It looks as if WinSCP was using a null name server or something, I could not find out what it was doing during the connection (or actually "server search") phase.


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WinSCP and PuTTy - did stop working

Hi everyone,

Just about yesterday, the winscp and putty (and also the Skype) stopped working. The Internet is up, but they say: "Host does not exist." I can acces the host from another computers, but not from mine at home:( What is the problem that some of the software can acces the Net (web browsers) and the other cannot? i didn't change any settings...


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