when synchronize create remote directory if not exists



when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

When scripting, can winscp create remote directory (and its parents directories) if not exists?

e.g. when i need to backup the following folders

local "C:\Users\a\Desktop" -> remote "a\Desktop"
local "C:\Users\b\Desktop" -> remote "b\Desktop"
local "C:\Users\c\Desktop" -> remote "c\Desktop"

my script need to do the following:
mkdir a
cd a
lcd a
synchronize Desktop Desktop
cd ..


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

The root destination directory has to exist prior to synchronization. Any absent sub-directories will be created.

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Re: when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

martin wrote:

The root destination directory has to exist prior to synchronization. Any absent sub-directories will be created.

but when scripting, it is tedious and error-prone, to repeat: mkdir->cd->mkdir->cd->...->synchronize->go to parent directory->..->go to parent directory.

Besides, there is no formal documentation for cd to parent directory.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

Not sure, if I understand you. As I wrote, subdirectories are created.

So if you execute: synchronize remote c:\web /home/username/httpdocs only the httpdocs needs to exist.
If there's c:\web\images, but not /home/username/httpdocs/images, the images subfolder is created.

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Re: when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

martin wrote:

Not sure, if I understand you. As I wrote, subdirectories are created.

So if you execute: synchronize remote c:\web /home/username/httpdocs only the httpdocs needs to exist.
If there's c:\web\images, but not /home/username/httpdocs/images, the images subfolder is created.

Sometimes there is a need to sync a few subfolders only

e.g. Desktop,Documents,Music insides user profile directory, as there is too many garbage insides

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

Sometimes there is a need to sync a few subfolders only

e.g. Desktop,Documents,Music insides user profile directory, as there is too many garbage insides
How's that related?

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Re: when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

martin wrote:

Not sure, if I understand you. As I wrote, subdirectories are created.

So if you execute: synchronize remote c:\web /home/username/httpdocs only the httpdocs needs to exist.
If there's c:\web\images, but not /home/username/httpdocs/images, the images subfolder is created.

I believe OP desires functionality same as GNU coreutil's "cp --parents"

Form the name of each destination file by appending to the target directory a slash and the specified name of the source file. The last argument given to cp must be the name of an existing directory. For example, the command:
          cp --parents a/b/c existing_dir
copies the file a/b/c to existing_dir/a/b/c, creating any missing intermediate directories.

Using your example,

mkdir c:\web; cd c:\web
synchronize local -parents c:\web /home/username/httpdocs
if c:\web\home\username\httpdocs does not exist, then 
  mkdir home; mkdir home\username; mkdir home\username\httpdocs;
  get /home/username/httpdocs/* c:\web\home\username\httpdocs
  synchronize c:\web\home\username\httpdocs /home/username/httpdocs

It is similar to my request of creating empty directories, https://winscp.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14131 only implemented at the scripting level. Essentially it allows for retaining a directory structure without having to transfer all parent sibling objects. My desire for this at the GUI level is a user can slowly recreate a remote directory structure on their local drive slowly, as needed. Which makes it easier to synchronize if they have already grabbed a few sub-folders of a target sync directory.

I can see this being a useful enhancement.
As an initial progression to get this functionality included, perhaps a workable goal would be a mkdir -parents option?


Thank you for all your hard work on this program!

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Re: when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

martin wrote:

Thanks for the explanation. Will consider it.

Was this ever implemented? I find myself needing the same feature.

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Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

No it was not. Why don't you just create the directory?

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Re: when synchronize create remote directory if not exists

martin wrote:

No it was not. Why don't you just create the directory?

In the end that's what I had to do with PuTTYs plink.exe and `mkdir -p`, but the reason for it in my case was the remote machine is expected to be re-created at any time, making the remote directory something that could exist, or could not. So having an automated script fail because it tried to make a directory that already existed was a pain. See the following:

Error creating folder '/opt/app/web'.
General failure (server should provide error description).
Error code: 4
Error message from server: Failure
Common reasons for the Error code 4 are:
- Renaming a file to a name of already existing file.
- Creating a directory that already exists.
- Moving a remote file to a different filesystem (HDD).
- Uploading a file to a full filesystem (HDD).
- Exceeding a user disk quota.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip: Skip

I think the docs say there's a way to ignore this and continue on but I wasn't able to get it to work.

Thank you for the reply, though. You can consider my specific problem solved via workaround; but I would have liked to avoid using plink.exe for this.

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