Error code 4 Generic Failure message can't copy files


United States

Error code 4 Generic Failure message can't copy files

All of a sudden after installing the sudo apt-get install zip on my little linux server I made I can no longer successfully copy files from my server to another computer using WinSCP.

The issue just started, it used to work fine.

I installed Ubunutu server on an old desktop computer I have and put it on the my home network. I'm trying to copy files from that linux server to another computer (windows 7) on the same network and it isn't working anymore.

I don't understand why it stopped working all of a sudden.

Its really messing me up though because I need to be able to backup my server files before I make changes I need to make on the server.

The error just says Copying files from remote side failed. General failure, Error code 4, Failure.

It seems to happen any time I try to transfer a larger file or a directory with a few files in it. If I try to transfer something small it will work.

I should note I am using the latest version of WinSCP.

Can someone help me out please?


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Error code 4 Generic Failure message can't copy files

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

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