How to replace trailing character
I looked at the grep custom search command, but it I don't see\know how to set a pattern where last character is "@" replace with [01a]
The problem is about inability to access the remote file, not about an inability to save the file locally with "@" at the end. So there's nothing to rename.Isn't there a way to copy\rename on the fly, or exclude "randomnamerandomlength@" so if ends with "@" don't copy or replace it with a valid character?
Well, because an error occurred. Usually, you want to know that.Why do I get prompted to click OK, at least if that didn't happen I could let the copy run.
It's not a confirmation. It's an error.Should the checkbox "No confirmation for transfers" negate the warning? If not, Is there a way to stop them from showing up?
Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP) using file mask "| *@".I have tried the mask of "| *@" & "*@". "*@" places this in include files, and "| *@" is exclude - In both cases I also check the box for newer files and I still get the error on file transfer.
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