scp: error: unexpected filename: Phototools%2D%20B/W%20Light%20%2008.xml
during a commander-style GUI copy from Windows 7 64-bit to a CentOS 7.1 server, the follow error message is reported, and the copy is aborted:
scp: error: unexpected filename: Phototools%2D%20B/W%20Light%20%2008.xml
But the file named Phototools%2D%20Angles%20Light%2001.xml in the same directory will successfully copy.
[Years ago, I was a contributor, before you even had "donations" on your website. Is great to see how advanced the product and the website has become! Good job!]
scp: error: unexpected filename: Phototools%2D%20B/W%20Light%20%2008.xml
But the file named Phototools%2D%20Angles%20Light%2001.xml in the same directory will successfully copy.
[Years ago, I was a contributor, before you even had "donations" on your website. Is great to see how advanced the product and the website has become! Good job!]