modifications not appearing
When I add new informations to my website, using the WINscp program, I make it as others times (when it was working), uploading news files and the date of uploaded files in Win scp program is changed, so it seems to be working correctly but it doesnt appear any modification on my online website (I refreshed the windows).
The strange thing is that if I change the name of the main file linked to my website host, my website should desappear but it still there.
It seems like I am not uploading at the good place news files, but how can I check this? I don't have others places to upload it...
I join a pdf where you can see I upload news files for " actualité" and " a propos" files. The date of the files on right is 28-12-16. So I changed them correctly. But they are not appearing online.
The strange thing is that if I change the name of the main file linked to my website host, my website should desappear but it still there.
It seems like I am not uploading at the good place news files, but how can I check this? I don't have others places to upload it...
I join a pdf where you can see I upload news files for " actualité" and " a propos" files. The date of the files on right is 28-12-16. So I changed them correctly. But they are not appearing online.