SFTP Path Length Error
I was under the impression that SFTP protocol would handle long file/path lengths vs regular FTP protocol. Maybe I am wrong. If not, I am having an issue with WinSCP throwing an error when it encounters a file with a path + filename > 260 chars. I get a "Permission denied" error #3. Here is the command. I have checked security settings, no problems. Tried on Windows 7, 8.1, Windows 10, 2012R2 , WinSCP 5.11.1 with same results
All files copy (of any type) with no issue unless the total length path + file > 260.
Part of log file below on a particular file that failed..
What can I do? Thanks.
open sftp://ftp:@ftp@172.xx.xx.xx:12298/ option transfer binary get "MYSERVER/BACKUP 2017-09-25 (Incremental)" "c:\sftpbackup\BACKUP 2017-09-25"
Part of log file below on a particular file that failed..
. 2017-09-26 15:58:16.751 Cannot open remote file '/MYSERVER/BACKUP 2017-09-25 (Incremental)/Public Folder 12122-121 /My-Mketing_filelocation/PROJECTS/OlderPROJECTS/PROJECTS_2017/Three Rivers Community Center Central Holding & Processing, MD/Link to docs regarding all projects/Three Rivers Community Center Central Holding & Processing, Washington State, MD Summary Notice.doc'. ("Permission denied. . 2017-09-26 15:58:16.751 Error code: 3 . 2017-09-26 15:58:16.751 Error message from server: Permission denied")