Using public key from WINSCP to connect to bitvise and automate sending a txt file
Hello, i created a batch file to automatically transfer a file.
I am using winscp via public key and i am trying to send the file (automated) to a bitvise server.
option batch abort
option confirm off
open s -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e"
option transfer binary
put -nopermissions -nopreservetime e:\BatchJobs\Files\pay\*-11111_PAY_ROLL_001-111.txt
I keep getting stuck with enter password but we are using a public key so i don't know why its asking for a password
Please help!
I am using winscp via public key and i am trying to send the file (automated) to a bitvise server.
option batch abort
option confirm off
open s -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e:1e"
option transfer binary
put -nopermissions -nopreservetime e:\BatchJobs\Files\pay\*-11111_PAY_ROLL_001-111.txt
I keep getting stuck with enter password but we are using a public key so i don't know why its asking for a password
Please help!